Sustainable Travel with Åland Tours

At Åland Tours, we believe in sustainable travel that benefits both visitors and the local community. Our focus is on creating positive impacts while minimizing our environmental footprint. We have set ambitious sustainability goals, aiming to become plastic-free by 2024 and a carbon-neutral tour operator by 2030.

By signing the principles of sustainable tourism, we commit to:

  • fair cooperatin
  • bevarande av naturen
  • respekt för kulturellt arv
  • mänskliga rättigheter
  • lokal support

Our aim is to help you find sustainable travel options and support local businesses during your trip. We collaborate with local organizations that promote sustainable practices, ensuring that your travel experience is not only enjoyable but also mindful of the environment and the local community.

Leave Nothing But Footprints

When you travel with us, you have the chance to explore the beauty and unique experiences of the Åland islands. As a local tour operator, we understand the importance of preserving these experiences for future generations. We organize our trips in a sustainable manner, considering the well-being of people, nature, and culture. Our goal is to create a memorable holiday while minimizing any negative impact.

Discover Hidden Gems of Åland

Our tours take you off the beaten path, allowing you to discover the gems of Åland. We introduce you to special places that are often missed by regular tourists. With our local guides, you can explore the hidden side of Åland and make unique memories.


Interact with Locals

During your trip, you’ll have the opportunity to meet and interact with friendly locals. From fishermen to artisans, coffee shop owners to museum volunteers, these individuals are eager to share their passions with you. We choose our local partners carefully to ensure that your spending directly supports the local community.

Valuing Our Local Guides

We work with local guides who are passionate about Åland and can communicate in multiple languages. We believe in treating them well and maintaining strong relationships. Their expertise and insights enhance the quality of our service and contribute to a memorable experience.

Certified for Sustainability

We are proud to have received certifications from Good Travel Seal and Sustainable Travel Finland in 2023. These certifications recognize our commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility.

Book your sustainable adventure with Åland Tours and experience the beauty of Åland while making a positive impact. Let us guide you on a journey that is not only memorable but also aligns with your values!

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